围绕建筑碳中和重大需求,在建筑能效评估与故障诊断、可再生能源利用、低碳能源系统、智能电网及需求侧响应等方向进行了长期深入的研究,提出了一系列创新性研究方法和思想,致力于推动节能技术开发和成果转化工作,在多个国际知名期刊和国际会议上发表论文52篇,其中SCI论文42篇(第一或通讯作者论文21篇,包括10篇为中科院1区文章),SCI他引1500余次,H-index=23,7篇论文(含合作作者)先后入选ESI高被引论文,部分代表性论文如下: [1] Yizhe Xu, Chengchu Yan*, Shanhui Yan, Huifang Liu, Yan Pan, Faxing Zhu, Yanlong Jiang, A multi-objective optimization method based on an adaptive meta-model for classroom design with smart electrochromic windows, Energy, 243,2021,122777 , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy. 2021.122777. [2] Yizhe Xu, Chengchu Yan*, Hao Qian, Liang Sun, Gang Wang, and Yanlong Jiang. 2021. "A Novel Optimization Method for Conventional Primary and Secondary School Classrooms in Southern China Considering Energy Demand, Thermal Comfort and Daylighting". Sustainability 13, no. 23: 13119. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132313119 [3] Guangli Zhang, Kai Hu, Chengchu Yan*, Jingfeng Shi, Kai Sheng, Yanfeng Gong, Yizhe Xu. Optimal design and integration of multiple-function solar water heating systems based on a co-adaptive matchmaking method, Energy and Buildings, 252, 2021. 111492. [4] 陈丽萍,颜承初,龚延风等. 建筑环境与能源应用工程专业现代高素质人才培养探讨———以冠军白菜策略网为例 [J]. 高等建筑教育,2021,30(1):49-55 [5] Jinyi Xu, Chengchu Yan*, Yizhe Xu, Jingfeng Shi, Kai Sheng and Xiaoping Xu. A hierarchical game theory based demand optimization method for grid-interaction of energy flexible buildings. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2021.736439. [6] 曾瑞璇,颜承初*,杨秀秀,孙龙飞,徐小平,邓亚宏.基于不确定性量化和自适应调试的空调冷却水系统优化设计[J].制冷与空调,2021,21(06):75-80+84. [7] Yizhe Xu, Guangli Zhang, Chengchu Yan*, Gang Wang, Yanlong Jiang, Ke Zhao. A two-stage multi-objective optimization method for envelope and energy generation systems of primary and secondary school teaching buildings in china. Building and Environment. 204 (2021) 108142. [8] 李梅,颜承初*,曾瑞璇,潘艳,黄正凯,孙志国,胡珏.不同温度冷表面结霜特性研究综述[J].低温与超导,2021,49(02):61-69. [9] Yizhe Xu, Chengchu Yan *, Jingfeng Shi, Zefeng Lu, Xiaofeng Niu, Yanlong Jiang, Faxing Zhu. An anomaly detection and dynamic energy performance evaluation method for HVAC systems based on data mining. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2021,44:101092. [10] Chengchu Yan, Fengling Wang, Yan Pan, Kui Shan, Risto Kosonen. A multi-timescale cold storage system within energy flexible buildings for power balance management of smart grids. Renewable Energy, 2020,161: 626-634. [11] 曾瑞璇,颜承初*,李梅.除湿等级划分及深度除湿技术研究进展[J].制冷学报,2020,41(06):12-21. [12] Yizhe Xu, Chengchu Yan*, Huifang Liu, Jin Wang, Zhang Yang, Yanlong Jiang. Smart energy systems: A critical review on design and operation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 62:102369. [13] 颜承初, 龚延风. 面向智能电网的智能建筑新特征——电网友好及动态响应[J]. 智能建筑, 2018, No.210(02):44-46. [14] Chengchu Yan, Wenjie Gang, Xiaofeng Niu, Xujian Peng, Shengwei Wang. Quantitative evaluation of the impact of building load characteristics on energy performance of district cooling systems. Applied Energy, 2017, 205: 635-643. [15] Chengchu Yan, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li. Optimal Design and Application of a Compound Cold Storage System-Combining Seasonal Ice Storage and Chilled Water Storage. Applied Energy, 2016, 171: 1-11. [16] Chengchu Yan, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li and Shengwei Wang. A Seasonal Cold Storage System Based on Separate Type Heat Pipe for Sustainable Building Cooling. Renewable Energy. 2016, 85: 880-889. [17] Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Zhenjun Ma and Wenxing Shi. A Simplified Method for Optimal Design of Solar Water Heating Systems Based on Life-cycle Energy Analysis. Renewable Energy. 2015,74 : 271-278 [18] Chengchu Yan, Xue Xue, Shengwei Wang and Borui Cui. A novel air-conditioning system for proactive power demand response to smart grid. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015, 102: 239-246. [19] Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao A Multi-level Energy Performance Diagnosis Method for Information-Poor Buildings. Energy. 2015, 83: 189-203. [20] Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Kui Shan and Yuehong Lu. A Simplified Analytical Model to Evaluate the Impact of Radiant Heat on Building Cooling Load. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 77: 30-41. [21] Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao. A simplified energy performance assessment method for existing buildings based on energy bill disaggregation, Energy and Buildings, 2012, 55: 563-574. [22] Chengchu Yan, Shengwei Wang, Fu Xiao. Retrofitting Building Fire Protection Water Tanks as Chilled Water Storage for Power Demand Limiting. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 2017, 38 (1), 47-63. [23] Chengchu Yan *. Qi Cheng, Hao Cai. Life-Cycle Optimization of a Chiller Plant with Quantified Analysis of Uncertainty and Reliability in Commercial Buildings. Applied Sciences. 2019, 9, 1548. [24] Chen Jin, Chengchu Yan*, Rui Tang, Hao Cai & Ruixuan Zeng. A fast building demand response method based on supply–demand coordination for urgent responses to smart grids. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 2019, 0, 1-11. [25] Chengchu Yan *, Xiuxiu Yang,Yizhe Xu. Mathematical Explanation and Fault Diagnosis of Low Delta-T Syndrome in Building Chilled Water Systems. Buildings. 2018, 8, 84. [26] Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao, Chengchu Yan*, et al. A novel methodology to explain and evaluate data-driven building energy performance models based on interpretable machine learning. Applied Energy, 2019, 235: 1551-1560. [27] Shengwei Wang, Chengchu Yan, Fu Xiao. Quantitative energy performance assessment methods for existing buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2012, 55: 873-888. [28] 颜承初,刘燕华,石文星. 基于温湿度独立控制的水蓄冷空调系统[J]. 暖通空调, 2010 (06). pp.36-41. |
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