[1] Bin Zhou*, Xiao Wu, Yue-Kai Zeng, Mei-Lan Tan, Feng Liu, Qi-Sheng Zhuang, Experimental investigation on the purification performance of particle and planktonic bacteria in the human body micro-environment using low-temperature plasma, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 384, 135577 [2] Song Lu, Bin Zhou*, Jianzhong Zhang, Min Hou, Ji Jiang, Fei Li, Yu Wang, Performance evaluation of make-up air systems for pollutant removal from gas stove in residential kitchen by using a push-pull ventilation system, Energy and Buildings, 2021, 240, 110907. [3] Bin Zhou*, Xiao Wu, Long Chen, Jia-Qi Fan, Lan Zhu, Modeling the performance of air filters for cleanrooms using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Building Simulation, 2021, 14(2), 317–324. [4] Jianjie Cheng, Xiaoyi Niu, Rui Zhang, Xidong Zhu, Song Lu, Bin Zhou*, Xianting Li, Experimental study on influence of personnel activity and surgical smoke on indoor environment inside clean operating room, International Journal of Ventilation, 2021, 20(1), 50-64. [5] Bin Zhou*, Yang Xu, Li-Ping Chen, Paolo Tronville, Yue-Long Yu, Long Chen, Filtration performance of glass fibrous air filter media under sinusoidal flow condition, Building and Environment, 2020, 183, 107182. [6] Bin Zhou*, Xin-Zhi Lin, Yu-Gui Zhang, Angus Shiue, Shih-Cheng Hu, Hui-Fang Liu, Yu Wang, Shou-Meng Qiu, Zhi-Bo Dong, Song Lu, Degradation of formaldehyde from plywood with an iron electrode in alkaline solution, Building and Environment, 2019, 157, 346–355. [7] Bin Zhou*, Peng Wei, Meilan Tan, Yang Xu, Lili Ding, Xinyue Mao, Yongkun Zhao, Risto Kosonen, Capture efficiency and thermal comfort in Chinese residential kitchen with push-pull ventilation system in winter-a field study, Building and Environment, 2019, 149, 182-195. [8] Bin Zhou*, Lu Feng, Angus Shiue, Shin-Cheng Hu, Yu Wang, Fei Li, Ti Lin, Hui-Fang Liu, Peng Wei, Yang Xu, Study on Influencing Mechanism of Outdoor Plant-related Particles on Indoor Environment and its Control Measures during Transitional Period in Nanjing, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19(3), 571-586. [9] Bin Zhou*, Lili Ding, Fei Li, Ke Xue, Peter V. Nielsen, Yang Xu, Influence of opening and closing process of sliding door on interface airflow characteristic in operating room, Building and Environment, 2018, 144, 459-473. 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