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阅读次数:     发布时间:2023-08-10

2023年7月16日至19日,健康建筑2023亚太国际会议(Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia)在天津隆重召开。公司暖通工程系蔡浩、周斌、李斐三位老师和研究生张杰和童诚信5人参加了本次会议。


会议期间,周斌教授在Thermal comfort分会场作了题为“A literature review on thermal comfort condition in operating room and existing improvement measures”的口头报告。硕士研究生张杰在Ventilation分会场了题为“Reconstructing airflow path parameters of a multi-zone building based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter”的口头报告。研究生童诚信作了题“Improved whale optimization algorithm for locating time-varying particulate sources in indoor dynamic airflow field: An experimental study based on multi-robot cooperation”的墙报展示,并与国内外与会者进行了交流。

作者:蔡浩(999全讯白菜网);   审核:段然堂、颜承初