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2012.02-2015.05 东南大学 博士

2004.09-2007.01 东南大学 硕士

2000.09-2004.07 鞍山科技大学 学士


2019.07至今    冠军白菜策略网 999全讯白菜网 副教授

2015.12-2019.06 冠军白菜策略网 999全讯白菜网 讲师

2016.10-2017.10 美国怀俄明大学 土木与建筑学院 博士后

2007.01-2012.01 江苏省产品质量监督检验研究院 电器产品检测部 工程师


中国制冷学会会员江苏省制冷学会青年工作委员会委员Frontiers in Thermal Engineering副主编20余个SCI国际期刊审稿人


[1] 2019.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目基于超材料光谱选择性膜的辐射致冷机理及其建筑集成机制研究,负责人

[2] 2019.01-2020.12 江苏省住房和城乡建设厅科技项目基于超材料光谱选择性膜的建筑热环境调控技术,负责人



[1] Bingru Yao, Kai Zhang*, Jinchen Zhu, Shaojie Wu. Optimization study on the performance of a thermosyphon-based radiative cooler. Indoor and Built Environment, 2023, 32: 425-439.

[2] Jinchen Zhu, Kai Zhang*. A novel multiscale evaluation metric for the thermal management of data centers. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2023, 15: 011010.

[3] Lufang Chen, Kai Zhang*, Ge Song, Fei Li. Study on the cooling performance of a radiative cooling-based ventilated roof for its application in buildings. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2022, 43: 685-702.

[4] Shaojie Wu, Kai Zhang*, Ge Song, Jinchen Zhu, Bingru Yao, Fei Li. Study on the performance of a miniscale channel heat sink with Y-shaped unit channels based on entransy analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 209: 118295.

[5] Shaojie Wu, Kai Zhang*, Ge Song, Jinchen Zhu, Bingru Yao. Experimental study on the performance of a tree-shaped mini-channel liquid cooling heat sink. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 30: 101780.

[6] Saihong Tang, Nevzat Akkurt, Kai Zhang*, Lufang Chen, Mingquan Ma. Effect of roof and ceiling configuration on energy performance of a metamaterial-based cool roof for low-rise office building in China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2021, 30: 1739-1750.

[7] Mingquan Ma, Kai Zhang*, Lufang Chen, Saihong Tang. Analysis of the impact of a novel cool roof on cooling performance for a low-rise prefabricated building in China. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2021, 42: 26-44.

[8] Zhihao Lu, Kai Zhang*. Study on the Performance of a Y-Shaped Liquid Cooling Heat Sink Based on Constructal Law for Electronic Chip Cooling. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2021, 13: 034501.

[9] Lufang Chen, Kai Zhang*, Mingquan Ma, Saihong Tang, Fei Li, Xiaofeng Niu. Sub-ambient radiative cooling and its application in buildings. Building Simulation, 2020, 13: 1165-1189.

[10] Zhihao Lu, Kai Zhang*, Jinxiang Liu, Fei Li. Effect of branching level on the performance of constructal theory based Y-shaped liquid cooling heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 168: 114824.

[11] Yiwen Zhang, Kai Zhang*, Jinxiang Liu, Risto Kosonen, Xialei Yuan. Airflow uniformity optimization for modular data center based on the constructal T-shaped underfloor air ducts. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 489-500.

[12] Yutong Zhu, Kai Zhang*, Jinxiang Liu. Xiaofeng Niu. Chen Jin. Entransy analysis on the performance of the counter-flow heat exchangers for a double evaporating temperature chiller. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 98: 89-97.

[13] Kai Zhang*, Yiwen Zhang, Jinxiang Liu, Xiaofeng Niu. Recent advancements on thermal management and evaluation for data centers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142: 215-231.

[14] Kai Zhang, Dongliang Zhao, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Gang Tan*. Energy saving and economic analysis of a new hybrid radiative cooling system for single-family houses in the USA. Applied Energy, 2018, 224: 371-381.

[15] Kai Zhang*, Yutong Zhu, Jinxiang Liu, Xiaofeng Niu, Xiaolei Yuan. Exergy and energy analysis of a double evaporating temperature chiller. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 165: 464-471.

[16] Kai Zhang, Dongliang Zhao, Yao Zhai, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Gang Tan*. Modelling study of the low-pump-power demand constructal T-shaped pipe network for a large scale radiative cooled-cold storage system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 127: 1564-1573.

[17] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li. Simplified model for design airflow rate in underfloor air distribution (UFAD) systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 244-250.

[18] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Experimental parametric study on the temperature distribution of an underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system with grille diffusers. Indoor and Built Environment, 2016, 25(5): 748-757.

[19] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Experimental study on the characteristics of supply air for UFAD system with perforated tiles. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 80:1-6.

[20] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Review of underfloor air distribution technology. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 85: 180-186.

[21] Kai Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang*, Shuhong Li. Optimization on airflow distribution in data room air-conditioning system with underfloor air distribution. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition). 2016, 46(1): 62-69. (In Chinese)

[22] Kai Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang*, Shuhong Li. Thermal decay in supply air plenum of underfloor air distribution system. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition). 2015, 45(4): 720-727. (In Chinese)


[1] Jiang Kaiyu, Kai Zhang*, Zijie Shi, Haoran Li. Study on the cooling energy saving potential of a novel radiative cooling paints in building application. ROOMVENT 2022, Xi’an, China, 2022.

[2] Zijie Shi, Kai Zhang*, Kaiyu Jiang, Haoran Li. Continuous thermoelectric power generation based on radiative cooling. ACRA 2022, Chongqing, China, 2022.

[3] Ge Song, Kaiyu Jiang, Kai Zhang*, Yanfeng Gong. Optimization study on preparation of radiative cooling film based on Mie theory and Monte Carlo method. ACRA 2022, Chongqing, China, 2022.

[4] Lufang Chen, Kai Zhang*, Ge Song. Modeling of heat transfer for the building with metamaterial-based cool roof. ISHVAC 2021, Seoul, Korea, 2021.

[5] Mingquan Ma, Kai Zhang*, Saihong Tang, Lufang Chen, Xiaofeng Niu, Fei Li. Energy saving analysis of low-rise prefabricated building integrating with metamaterial based cool roof in China. ISHVAC 2019, Harbin, China, 2019.

[6] Yiwen Zhang, Kai Zhang*, Jinxiang Liu, Fei Li, Jun Bao. Numerical study on thermal management of data center integrated with underfloor vertical baffles. ISHVAC 2019, Harbin, China, 2019.

[7] Zhihao Lu, Kai Zhang*, Jinxiang Liu. Study on the effects of channel deployment in a S-shaped liquid cooling heat sink for electronic chip cooling. ISHVAC 2019, Harbin, China, 2019.

[8] Saihong Tang, Kai Zhang*, Lufang Chen, Mingquan Ma, Fei Li, Xiaofeng Niu. Performance analysis of the metamaterial based cool roof for single-family houses. ICR 2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019

[9] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Geng Wang. Numerical and Experimental Optimization Study on the Cooling Effect of UFAD System in Data Center. SuDBE 2013, Chongqing, China, 2013.

[10] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Geng Wang. Measurement and Control System of HVAC&R Integration Testing Platform. ISHVAC 2013, Xi’an, China, 2013.

[11] Kai Zhang*, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Geng Wang. Numerical Study on the Thermal Environment of UFAD System with Solar Chimney for the Data Center. SHC 2013, Freiburg, Germany, 2013.



[1] Lufang Chen, Kai Zhang, Ge Song, Xiaofeng Niu, Fei Li. Passive cooling/heating double-effect material. Issue date: 2022.10.17, Priority: 2019.12.17, Luxembourg, LU502295.

[2] 蒋开宇, 张恺, 李浩然, 侍子杰, 武冰洋, 姚炳如, 吴少杰. 一种热管换热空调系, 2023, 中国, ZL 202111454943.8.

[3] 吴少杰, 张恺, 陈露芳, 唐赛红, 马明泉, 陆志豪, 朱晋辰, 姚炳. 一种基于冲击冷却的T型管道芯片散热器及成套装, 2023.02.03, 中国, ZL 202010359752.2.

[4] 朱晋辰, 张恺, 马明泉, 陈露芳, 唐赛红, 姚炳如, 吴少. 一种适用于数据中心的新型行级冷板冷却系统及其成套装置, 2023.02.03, 中国, ZL 202010359753.7.

[5] 张恺, 陈露芳, 马明泉, 唐赛红, 牛晓峰. 一种被动式朝向无关的冷热双效材料, 2022.04.08, 中国, ZL 202010084310.1.

[6] 李浩然, 张恺, 蒋开宇, 侍子杰, 姚炳如, 吴少杰, 朱晋辰. 一种新型被动式蓄能型空调系统, 2022.02.08, 中国, ZL 202011513639.1.

[7] 张恺, 孙雷, 牛晓峰, 蔡力腾, 王明钰. 一种用于空气除湿除尘的一体化装置及除湿除尘方法, 2021.07.30, 中国, ZL 201610627462.5.

[8] 张恺, 王明钰, 牛晓峰, 蔡力腾, 孙雷. 一种空气处理装置及方法, 2021.07.20, 中国, ZL 201610630300.7.

[9] 张恺, 蔡力腾, 牛晓峰, 王明钰, 孙雷. 一种新型暖体假人系统, 2018.08.17, 中国, ZL 201610631456.7.

[10] 张恺, 张小松, 李舒宏. 水环式相变蓄能型地板送风空调系统及其蓄能释能方法, 2014.12.17, 中国, ZL 201210440898.5.

[11] 张恺, 张小松, 李舒宏. 空气源相变蓄能型地板送风空调系统及其蓄能释能方法, 2014.12.17, 中国, ZL 201210445067.7.